Radio Veritas Asia is a non-stock, non-profit organization tasked to "proclaim the message of God's love to the peoples of Asia. RVA is committed to proclaim the message of God's love to the people of Asia by producing human development and Catholic evangelization programs, in cooperation with recognized production centers and transmitting these programs via short-wave and related means of electronic media.
RVA broadcasts daily from 2100 to 0330 UTC on different frequencies from 19 to 49 meter bands in two simultaneous transmissions. The programs aired are produced both in the Fairview studios in Quezon City, Philippines and in the target area production centers. Pursuing its two-fold objective of Evangelization and Human Development, RVA communicates with 21 countries in Asia in 17 languages.
(Source: Radio Veritas Asia)
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Monday, April 28, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Member of Media Monitoring Club
Chairman : Summase A. Sanjaya, Makassar Indonesia
Secretary : Kamilia, Makassar Indonesia
Treasurer : Hj. Karimah Laera, Makassar Indonesia
1. Ester Nana, Taiwan.
2. Nani Azizah, Abu Dhabi.
3. Iis Soraya. Indonesia.
4. Hayat Sharuna Hadyanti, Banyumas, Indonesia
5. Komah Bella Sapitri, Riyadh, K.S.A.
6. Suharmanto, Magelang, Indonesia
7. Eko Pramono, Indonesia.
8. Amiyah Madrusdi, Cilacap, Indonesia
9. Meisiy Suwardi, Dammam, K.S.A.
10. Gita Saraswati, Batang, Indonesia.
11. Suwardi, Makassar Indonesia.
12. Amrullah, Makassar, Indonesia.
13. Lastang Somba, Soppeng, Indonesia.
15. Misyati, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
16. Sugito, Pati, Indonesia.
17. Andy Setiawan, Indonesia.
18. Suriani, Pontianak, Indonesia.
19. Eko M.Anshori, Indonesia.
20. Sri Rahayu, Tainan County, Taiwan.
21. Suherman, Pangkep, Indonesia.
22. Fathur Rosyid, Sumenep, Madura.
23. Yati Soewito, Taiwan.
24. Winarsih, Indonesia.
25. Amin Is/Ano, Indonesia.
26. Harmin, Kendari, Indonesia.
27. Azmi Waluyo, Ciamis, Indonesia.
28. Saripuddin Dalimunthe, Padang Sidempuang, Indonesia.
29. Yusria Sari Kahembau, Sangihe, Indonesia.
30. Endang S, Taiwan.
31. Kesih Sukaesih, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan.
32. Nada Abdullah Abbas, Jordan.
33. Firdaus, S.Ag., Flores, NTT, Indonesia.
34. Aloysius H.M, Tuban, Indonesia.
35. Herbert Sunu Budiharjo, Jakarta, Indonesia.
36. Jemmy Liwang, Bau-Bau Indonesia.
37. Mashudi, Aceh Sungkil, Indonesia.
38. Endang Nasriza, Indonesia.
39. Lila Febriza, Indonesia.
40. Wahyu Seroja, Taiwan.
41. Rini Rohayati, Indonesia.
42. Erny AG, Abha, K.S.A.
43. Siti Fajar Mardiana, Pangandaran, Indonesia.
44. Suniah Sarika Lin, Jordan.
45. Kinsanubary, Subang Indonesia.
46. Triadiyono, Indonesia.
47. Abd. Wahab Al-Bilal (Special Member from BM-C), Luwu Indonesia.
48. Puspita Giana, Indonesia.
49. Shanti Noviyanti, Taiwan.
50. H. Kamal, Jeddah, K.S.A.
51. Muhammad Kaafi, Makassar Indonesia.
52. Kadriah, Makassar, Indonesia.
53. Fitria Kahembau, Sangihe, Indonesia.
54. Surni Damar, Sangihe, Indonesia.
55. Imam Tarsis, Ponorogo, Indonesia.
56. Sigit Saksono, Padang, Indonesia.
57. Sri Lestari, Padang Panjang, Indonesia.
58. Valerius Tolok, Lembata, NTT Indonesia.
59. Arjuna Arsi, Indonesia.
60. Isum Maizar, Indragiri Hilir, Indonesia.
61. Aminah Laela, Oman.
62. Maya, Jambi, Indonesia.
63. Suleman, Makassar, Indonesia.
64. Ronny Pangemanan (Special Member from ROPAN Fans Club), Tomohon Indonesia.
65. Desmond, Bekasi, Indonesia.
66. Mariadi Purnomo, Deli Serdang, Indonesia.
67. M. Sumantri, Cirebon, Indonesia.
68. Yan Afriansyah, Lampung, Indonesia.
69. Mat Yunan, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia.
70. Nata Yossef Sonata, Samarinda, Indonesia.
71. Susi, Cikampek, Indonesia.
72. Bambang Purboyo, Cilacap, Indonesia.
73. Mithayani, Tainan Hsien, Taiwan.
74. Arifah, Makassar, Indonesia.
75. Saifun Najib, Jombang, Indonesia.
76. Intan, Jambi, Indonesia.
77. Sumawan, Sukadana, Lampung Timur, Indonesia.
78. Darsono, Tuban Indonesia.
79. Jack Anthonius, Kupang, Indonesia.
80. Kunaenah, Taiwna.
81. Min Lin, Garut, Indonesia.
82. Purwanto S, Indonesia.
83. Amy Kasmini, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan.
84. A. Takdir Bahri, Makassar, Indonesia.
85. Esron, Makassar, Indonesia.
86. Maria, Makassar, Indonesia.
87. Chely, Makassar Indonesia.
88. Tenri Ratusanti, Makassar Indonesia.
89. Cicilia Mico, Makassar Indonesia.
90. Andi Muttaqin, Makassar, Indonesia.
91. Amir Latif, Makassar Indonesia.
92. Asrul, Makassar, Indonesia.
93. Abd. Rahmat ZT, Bau-Bau, Indonesia.
94. Ervina Talalu, Makassar, Indonesia.
95. Abd. Basri ZT, Makassar, Indonesia.
96. Muchtar Kadir, Makassar, Indonesia.
97. Hasanuddin, Batu Raja Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia.
98. Fajar Alam Hamzah, Indragiri Hilir, Indonesia.
99. Rahima Safirah Sanjaya, Makassar, Indonesia.
100. Nora Nurkaya Demmarupa, Sumbawa, Indonesia.
101. Norpa T. Palayukan, Makassar Indonesia.
102. Saeful Fahmi, Lombok Indonesia.
103. Arifin Yusuf, Makassar, Indonesia.
104. Kurnia Fatmawati, Subang, Indonesia. Readmore »»
Chairman : Summase A. Sanjaya, Makassar Indonesia
Secretary : Kamilia, Makassar Indonesia
Treasurer : Hj. Karimah Laera, Makassar Indonesia
1. Ester Nana, Taiwan.
2. Nani Azizah, Abu Dhabi.
3. Iis Soraya. Indonesia.
4. Hayat Sharuna Hadyanti, Banyumas, Indonesia
5. Komah Bella Sapitri, Riyadh, K.S.A.
6. Suharmanto, Magelang, Indonesia
7. Eko Pramono, Indonesia.
8. Amiyah Madrusdi, Cilacap, Indonesia
9. Meisiy Suwardi, Dammam, K.S.A.
10. Gita Saraswati, Batang, Indonesia.
11. Suwardi, Makassar Indonesia.
12. Amrullah, Makassar, Indonesia.
13. Lastang Somba, Soppeng, Indonesia.
15. Misyati, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
16. Sugito, Pati, Indonesia.
17. Andy Setiawan, Indonesia.
18. Suriani, Pontianak, Indonesia.
19. Eko M.Anshori, Indonesia.
20. Sri Rahayu, Tainan County, Taiwan.
21. Suherman, Pangkep, Indonesia.
22. Fathur Rosyid, Sumenep, Madura.
23. Yati Soewito, Taiwan.
24. Winarsih, Indonesia.
25. Amin Is/Ano, Indonesia.
26. Harmin, Kendari, Indonesia.
27. Azmi Waluyo, Ciamis, Indonesia.
28. Saripuddin Dalimunthe, Padang Sidempuang, Indonesia.
29. Yusria Sari Kahembau, Sangihe, Indonesia.
30. Endang S, Taiwan.
31. Kesih Sukaesih, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan.
32. Nada Abdullah Abbas, Jordan.
33. Firdaus, S.Ag., Flores, NTT, Indonesia.
34. Aloysius H.M, Tuban, Indonesia.
35. Herbert Sunu Budiharjo, Jakarta, Indonesia.
36. Jemmy Liwang, Bau-Bau Indonesia.
37. Mashudi, Aceh Sungkil, Indonesia.
38. Endang Nasriza, Indonesia.
39. Lila Febriza, Indonesia.
40. Wahyu Seroja, Taiwan.
41. Rini Rohayati, Indonesia.
42. Erny AG, Abha, K.S.A.
43. Siti Fajar Mardiana, Pangandaran, Indonesia.
44. Suniah Sarika Lin, Jordan.
45. Kinsanubary, Subang Indonesia.
46. Triadiyono, Indonesia.
47. Abd. Wahab Al-Bilal (Special Member from BM-C), Luwu Indonesia.
48. Puspita Giana, Indonesia.
49. Shanti Noviyanti, Taiwan.
50. H. Kamal, Jeddah, K.S.A.
51. Muhammad Kaafi, Makassar Indonesia.
52. Kadriah, Makassar, Indonesia.
53. Fitria Kahembau, Sangihe, Indonesia.
54. Surni Damar, Sangihe, Indonesia.
55. Imam Tarsis, Ponorogo, Indonesia.
56. Sigit Saksono, Padang, Indonesia.
57. Sri Lestari, Padang Panjang, Indonesia.
58. Valerius Tolok, Lembata, NTT Indonesia.
59. Arjuna Arsi, Indonesia.
60. Isum Maizar, Indragiri Hilir, Indonesia.
61. Aminah Laela, Oman.
62. Maya, Jambi, Indonesia.
63. Suleman, Makassar, Indonesia.
64. Ronny Pangemanan (Special Member from ROPAN Fans Club), Tomohon Indonesia.
65. Desmond, Bekasi, Indonesia.
66. Mariadi Purnomo, Deli Serdang, Indonesia.
67. M. Sumantri, Cirebon, Indonesia.
68. Yan Afriansyah, Lampung, Indonesia.
69. Mat Yunan, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia.
70. Nata Yossef Sonata, Samarinda, Indonesia.
71. Susi, Cikampek, Indonesia.
72. Bambang Purboyo, Cilacap, Indonesia.
73. Mithayani, Tainan Hsien, Taiwan.
74. Arifah, Makassar, Indonesia.
75. Saifun Najib, Jombang, Indonesia.
76. Intan, Jambi, Indonesia.
77. Sumawan, Sukadana, Lampung Timur, Indonesia.
78. Darsono, Tuban Indonesia.
79. Jack Anthonius, Kupang, Indonesia.
80. Kunaenah, Taiwna.
81. Min Lin, Garut, Indonesia.
82. Purwanto S, Indonesia.
83. Amy Kasmini, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan.
84. A. Takdir Bahri, Makassar, Indonesia.
85. Esron, Makassar, Indonesia.
86. Maria, Makassar, Indonesia.
87. Chely, Makassar Indonesia.
88. Tenri Ratusanti, Makassar Indonesia.
89. Cicilia Mico, Makassar Indonesia.
90. Andi Muttaqin, Makassar, Indonesia.
91. Amir Latif, Makassar Indonesia.
92. Asrul, Makassar, Indonesia.
93. Abd. Rahmat ZT, Bau-Bau, Indonesia.
94. Ervina Talalu, Makassar, Indonesia.
95. Abd. Basri ZT, Makassar, Indonesia.
96. Muchtar Kadir, Makassar, Indonesia.
97. Hasanuddin, Batu Raja Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia.
98. Fajar Alam Hamzah, Indragiri Hilir, Indonesia.
99. Rahima Safirah Sanjaya, Makassar, Indonesia.
100. Nora Nurkaya Demmarupa, Sumbawa, Indonesia.
101. Norpa T. Palayukan, Makassar Indonesia.
102. Saeful Fahmi, Lombok Indonesia.
103. Arifin Yusuf, Makassar, Indonesia.
104. Kurnia Fatmawati, Subang, Indonesia. Readmore »»
Deutsche Welle Summer Schedule 2008
Summer 2008 (30.03.2008 – 25.10.2008)
Indonesian Java, Sumatra UTC + 7 Stunden = Ortszeit
Bali, Borneo UTC + 8 Stunden = Ortszeit
Singapur / Malaysia UTC + 8 Stunden = Ortszeit
08:00 – 09:55 UTC
15605 kHz
10:00 – 12:00 UTC
17635 kHz
21780 kHz
12:00 – 14:00 UTC
9565 kHz
20:00 – 21:55 UTC
7330 kHz
23:00 – 23:58 UTC
5955 kHz
(Andrea Schulz/DW) Readmore »»
Summer 2008 (30.03.2008 – 25.10.2008)
Indonesian Java, Sumatra UTC + 7 Stunden = Ortszeit
Bali, Borneo UTC + 8 Stunden = Ortszeit
Singapur / Malaysia UTC + 8 Stunden = Ortszeit
08:00 – 09:55 UTC
15605 kHz
10:00 – 12:00 UTC
17635 kHz
21780 kHz
12:00 – 14:00 UTC
9565 kHz
20:00 – 21:55 UTC
7330 kHz
23:00 – 23:58 UTC
5955 kHz
(Andrea Schulz/DW) Readmore »»
Friday, April 18, 2008
Radio Japan NHK’s Listeners Audience

Several years ago (1-2 years ago) was held The Audience listeners Radio Japan NHK World in Surabaya that was attended by approximately 40 people (according to information that we received). Editorial staff and several colleagues in South Sulawesi and surrounding area (the East Territory) could not come to because the distance of the location of listeners audience (possibly was caused by the activity factor and most of them, certainly the fund factor). We, several listeners and the club that was spread at the east of Indonesia, always felt was ignored if the location election of listeners audience was done by international radio stations if they will carry out listeners audience. always proposed that very much-time listeners audience was held in Makassar. And just the wish to become the host listeners audience got the fresh wind when the Producer of Radio Japan NHK World, Ms. Tomoko Yoshihara emailed to editorial staff that the big listeners audience possibility will be held in Makassar.
As the preparations stage, editorial staff of MMC afterwards contact all the available radio listeners in his phonebook, amount of 100 people contact through the SMS (Short Message Service), 14 people among them that register himself, including from Broadcast the Club Monitor (Abd.Wahab Al-Bilal) from West Sulawesi. Considering that the number of participants that register through the SMS only 14 people, is increased by 12 people from Listeners Club Radio (RLC) Makasssar, then we Advertised in the Tribun Timur Daily Newspaper from February 27 to March 11 2008. From the advertisement that we published, then we received 28 people that registered, so the number of whole that register through us have 42 people, is increased by 12 people from RLC, and the rest registered direct to NHK World.
The place/Implementation Time:
Pantai Gapura Restaurant, Jl. Pasar Ikan Makassar, (12.15 WITA until 16.00 WITA).
The number of participants: participants who are present numbering around 80 people who come from Mamuju, Polman, Pare-pare, NTT(Nusa Tenggara Timur), Tomohon, Gowa and Makassar.
The series of the Agenda:
1. The opening ceremony by Ms. Lily Yulianty
2. The introduction about Japan.
3. The introduction with the Producer, the Announcer, and the Staff Radio Japan NHK World.
4. The quizzes.
5. Rest (Lunch)
6.Study Japanese.
8. Sing the Japanese Song (Guest: Ervina Talalu, Andi Nurhijrawati, and Norpa T.Palayukan).
9. Picture together.
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Bible Voice Broadcasting Summer Schedule
All our Shortwave Programs are available for internet listening at
(Select Listen and then Language and/or the Broadcaster Name).
Programmers love to hear from you directly! Send your reports to or mail to:
P O Box 425, Station E
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M6H 4E3
NEW!!! Dunamis Shortwave 4.750 mhz – 60 meter band 6 – 10 p.m. local Uganda time!
Broadcasting from Mukono, Uganda
MIDDLE EAST All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
MIDDLE EAST All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Jerusalem +2 W +3 S Amman +2 W +3 S
Cairo +2 W +3 S Ar Riyad +3 W/S
Damascus +2 W +3 S Dubai +4 W/S
Tehran +3.5 W +4.5 S Addis Ababa +3 W/S
Baghdad +3 W +4 S Asmera +3 W/S
13.590 Khz; 22 meter band; 100 Kw; Juelich
Day Time Language
Sunday 1530-1815 English
Monday 1540-1600 English
Tuesday 1540-1615 English
Monday 1540-1600 English
Tuesday 1540-1615 English
1615-1645 English Music
1645-1700 English
1700-1715 Hebrew/English
1715-1800 Hebrew
Wednesday 1540-1615 English
Thursday 1540-1615 English
1715-1800 Hebrew
Wednesday 1540-1615 English
Thursday 1540-1615 English
1615-1630 English Music
1630-1645 English
Friday 1540-1800 English
1630-1645 English
Friday 1540-1800 English
Saturday 1545-1600 English
1600-1615 English Music
1615-1730 English
1730-1745 Tagalog
1600-1615 English Music
1615-1730 English
1730-1745 Tagalog
1745-1800 Various
1800-1830 English
1800-1830 English
9.430 Khz; 31 meter band; 250 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Sunday 1800-1845 English
1845-1900 Bahasa
Friday 1830-1900 English
Saturday 1800-1830 English
1845-1900 Bahasa
Friday 1830-1900 English
Saturday 1800-1830 English
11.635 Khz; 25 meter band; 250kw; Wertachtal
Day Time LanguageMonday 0430-0530 Arabic
Tuesday 0430-0530 Arabic
Wednesday 0430-0530 Arabic
Thursday 0430-0530 Arabic
Friday 0430-0545 Arabic
Tuesday 0430-0530 Arabic
Wednesday 0430-0530 Arabic
Thursday 0430-0530 Arabic
Friday 0430-0545 Arabic
9.430 Khz; 31 meter band; 100 Kw; Wetachtal
Day Time Language
Sunday 1630-1700 Arabic
1700-1800 English
Monday 1615-1730 Arabic
Tuesday 1700-1730 Arabic
Wednesday 1615-1730 Arabic
Thursday 1700-1730 Arabic
Friday 1615-1730 Arabic
Saturday 1630-1700 Arabic
1700-1800 English
1700-1800 English
Monday 1615-1730 Arabic
Tuesday 1700-1730 Arabic
Wednesday 1615-1730 Arabic
Thursday 1700-1730 Arabic
Friday 1615-1730 Arabic
Saturday 1630-1700 Arabic
1700-1800 English
13.580 Khz; 22 meter band; 250 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Monday 1625-1730 Arabic
Tuesday 1625-1715 Arabic
Wednesday 1625-1730 Arabic
Thursday 1625-1730 Arabic
Friday 1625-1715 Arabic
Tuesday 1625-1715 Arabic
Wednesday 1625-1730 Arabic
Thursday 1625-1730 Arabic
Friday 1625-1715 Arabic
EGYPT All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...Cairo +2 W +3 S: Tehran +2 W +3 S
Egypt 1
17.535 Khz; 16 meter band; 125 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Friday 0900-1000 Arabic
Egypt 2
Egypt 2
9.635 Khz; 31 meter band; 250 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Day Time Language
Thursday 2000-2030 Arabic
IRAN All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...Tehran +3.5 W +4.5 S
11.875Khz; 25 meter band; 100 Kw; Juelich
Day Time Language
Day Time Language
Sunday 1800-1900 Farsi
Monday 1800-1830 Farsi
Tuesday 1800-1900 Farsi
Wednesday 1800-1830 Farsi
Thursday 1800-1900 Farsi
Monday 1800-1830 Farsi
Tuesday 1800-1900 Farsi
Wednesday 1800-1830 Farsi
Thursday 1800-1900 Farsi
Friday 1800-1830 Farsi
Saturday 1800-1815 English
Saturday 1800-1815 English
12.140 Khz; 25 meter band; 100 Kw; Juelich
Day Time Language
Sunday 1530-1730 Farsi
Monday 1530-1730 Farsi
Tuesday 1530-1730 Farsi
Wednesday 1530-1730 Farsi
Thursday 1530-1730 Farsi
Friday 1530-1730 Farsi
Saturday 1530-1730 Farsi
Day Time Language
Sunday 1530-1730 Farsi
Monday 1530-1730 Farsi
Tuesday 1530-1730 Farsi
Wednesday 1530-1730 Farsi
Thursday 1530-1730 Farsi
Friday 1530-1730 Farsi
Saturday 1530-1730 Farsi
EAST AFRICA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Addis Ababa +3 W/S
Asmera +3 W/S
Khartoum +3 W/S
11.635 Khz; 25 meter band; 125Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Sunday 0430-0500 Amharic
Saturday 0430-0530 Amharic
Day Time Language
Sunday 0430-0500 Amharic
Saturday 0430-0530 Amharic
13.810 Khz; 22 meter band; 100 Kw; Nauen
Day Time Language
Sunday 1600-1630 Oromo
1630-1800 Amharic
1800-1830 Somali
1830-1900 Amharic
Monday 1600-1630 Oromo
1630-1700 Amharic
1630-1800 Amharic
1800-1830 Somali
1830-1900 Amharic
Monday 1600-1630 Oromo
1630-1700 Amharic
1700-1730 Tigrinya
1730-1800 Amharic
Tuesday 1600-1700 Amharic
1700-1730 Tigrinya 1730-1800 Amharic
Wednesday 1600-1800 Amharic
Thursday 1630-1800 Amharic
Friday 1630-1700 Amharic
1700-1730 Tigrinya
1730-1800 Amharic
Tuesday 1600-1700 Amharic
1700-1730 Tigrinya 1730-1800 Amharic
Wednesday 1600-1800 Amharic
Thursday 1630-1800 Amharic
Friday 1630-1700 Amharic
1700-1730 Tigrinya
1730-1800 Amharic
1800-1830 Somali
1830-1900 Amharic
Saturday 1600-1630 Oromo
1630-1800 Amharic
1800-1815 Somali
1830-1900 Amharic
Saturday 1600-1630 Oromo
1630-1800 Amharic
1800-1815 Somali
17.650 Khz; 16 meter band; 100Kw; Juelich
Day Time Language
Wednesday 1530-1600 Tigrinya
13.720 Khz; 22 meter band; 100Kw; Juelich
Day Time Language
Sunday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Monday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Tuesday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Wednesday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Thursday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Friday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
1730-1745 Fur
Saturday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
CENTRAL AFRICA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
13.720 Khz; 22 meter band; 100Kw; Juelich
Day Time Language
Sunday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Monday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Tuesday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Wednesday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Thursday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
Friday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
1730-1745 Fur
Saturday 1630-1700 Nuer
1700-1730 Dinka
CENTRAL AFRICA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Lagos +1 W/S
11.830 Khz; 25 meter band; 100 Kw; Juelich
Day Time Language
Sunday 1830-1845 Swahili
1845-2000 English
1845-2000 English
13.710Khz; 22 meter bandl 500 Kw; Nauen
Day Time Language
Sunday 1900-1930 English
WEST AFRICA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Lagos +1 W/S
11.830 Khz; 25 meter band; 125 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Saturday 1930-1945 French
1945-2000 Adja
INDIAN SUBCONTINENT All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
1945-2000 Adja
INDIAN SUBCONTINENT All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Delhi +5.5 W/S
Karachi +5 W/S
Kolkata +5.5 W/S
Kabul +4.5 W/S
Dhaka +6 W/S
Kathmandu +5.75 W/S
INDIA 1 15.680 Khz; 19 meter band; 250 Kw; Nauen
Day Time Language
Sunday 1400-1500 English
Saturday 1400-1500 English
9.815 Khz; 31 meter band; 500 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Sunday 0030-0045 Bengali
Monday 0030-0045 Bengali
Tuesday 0030-0045 Bengali
Wednesday 0030-0045 Bengali
Thursday 0030-0045 Bengali
Friday 0030-0045 Bengali
Saturday 0030-0045 Bengali
Monday 0030-0045 Bengali
Tuesday 0030-0045 Bengali
Wednesday 0030-0045 Bengali
Thursday 0030-0045 Bengali
Friday 0030-0045 Bengali
Saturday 0030-0045 Bengali
9.490 Khz; 31 meter band; 500 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time LanguageSunday 0030-0100 English
Monday 0030-0100 Hindi
Tuesday 0030-0100 Hindi
Wednesday 0030-0115 Hindi
Thursday 0030-0100 Hindi
Friday 0030-0100 English
Saturday 0030-0100 English
Day Time LanguageSunday 0030-0100 English
Monday 0030-0100 Hindi
Tuesday 0030-0100 Hindi
Wednesday 0030-0115 Hindi
Thursday 0030-0100 Hindi
Friday 0030-0100 English
Saturday 0030-0100 English
15.680 Khz; 19 meter band; 100 Kw; Juelich
Day Time Language
Sunday 1530-1600 Urdu
Tuesday 1515-1600 Urdu
Wednesday 1515-1600 Urdu
Thursday 1515-1530 Urdu
1530-1600 English
Friday 1515-1530 Punjabi
1530-1600 Urdu
Saturday 1530-1600 English
INDIA 6 15.390 Khz; 19 meter band; 250 Kw; Nauen
Day Time Language
Sunday 1500-1530 Bengali
Monday 1500-1600 Hindi
Tuesday 1530-1600 Hindi
Wednesday 1515-1600 Hindi
Thursday 1500-1515 Tamil
1515-1530 Telegu
1530-1600 Hindi
Friday 1500-1530 Bengali
1530-1600 Hindi Saturday 1500-1530 English
Tuesday 1515-1600 Urdu
Wednesday 1515-1600 Urdu
Thursday 1515-1530 Urdu
1530-1600 English
Friday 1515-1530 Punjabi
1530-1600 Urdu
Saturday 1530-1600 English
INDIA 6 15.390 Khz; 19 meter band; 250 Kw; Nauen
Day Time Language
Sunday 1500-1530 Bengali
Monday 1500-1600 Hindi
Tuesday 1530-1600 Hindi
Wednesday 1515-1600 Hindi
Thursday 1500-1515 Tamil
1515-1530 Telegu
1530-1600 Hindi
Friday 1500-1530 Bengali
1530-1600 Hindi Saturday 1500-1530 English
7.485 Khz; 41 meter band; 250 Kw; Tachkent
Day Time Language
Thursday 1400-1415 Bengali
Thursday 1400-1415 Bengali
1415-1445 Nepali
Friday 1400-1415 Dzongkha
1415-1500 Hindi
WEST EUROPE All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
WEST EUROPE All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
London 0 W +1 S
Stockholm +1 W +2 S
Lisbon 0 W +1 S
Oslo +1W +2 S
Paris +1W +2S
WEST EUROPE 1/UK 5.945 Khz; 49 meter band; 100 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Sunday 0700-0815 English
Friday 0745-0800 English
0800-0815 Urdu
Saturday 0700-0815 English
9.435 Khz; 31meter band; 100 Kw; Nauen
Day Time Language
Friday 0745-0800 English
0800-0815 Urdu
Saturday 0700-0815 English
9.435 Khz; 31meter band; 100 Kw; Nauen
Day Time Language
Sunday 1800-1830 Spanish
EAST EUROPE/RUSSIA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
EAST EUROPE/RUSSIA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Moscow +3W/+4S
Warsaw +1W/+2S
Prague +1W/+2S
Kiev +2W/+3S
Budapest +1W/+2S
6.130 Khz; 49 meter band; 125 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Day Time Language
Sunday 1800-1830 English
1830-1900 Russian
1900-1930 English
Monday 1815-1830 Russian
Tuesday 1800-1830 Russian
Wednesday 1815-1830 Russian
Thursday 1815-1845 Russian
Friday 1800-1830 Russian
Saturday 1800-1845 English
CHINA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Monday 1815-1830 Russian
Tuesday 1800-1830 Russian
Wednesday 1815-1830 Russian
Thursday 1815-1845 Russian
Friday 1800-1830 Russian
Saturday 1800-1845 English
CHINA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Beijing +8W/S
Shanghai +8W/S
Hong Kong +8W/S
Seoul +9W/S
Seoul +9W/S
5.950 Khz; 49 meter band; 100 Kw; Khabarovsk
Day Time Language
Sunday 1115-1130 English
1200-1230 Cantonese
1230-1245 Vietnamese
Monday 1115-1130 English
1130-1200 Mandarin
1200-1215 Bahasa
1215-1230 Cantonese
1200-1230 Cantonese
1230-1245 Vietnamese
Monday 1115-1130 English
1130-1200 Mandarin
1200-1215 Bahasa
1215-1230 Cantonese
1230-1245 Vietnamese
Tuesday 1115-1130 English
1130-1215 Mandarin
1215-1230 Cantonese
Tuesday 1115-1130 English
1130-1215 Mandarin
1215-1230 Cantonese
1230-1245 Vietnamese
Wednesday 1115-1130 English
1130-1215 Mandarin
1215-1230 Cantonese
Wednesday 1115-1130 English
1130-1215 Mandarin
1215-1230 Cantonese
1230-1245 Vietnamese
Thursday 1115-1130 English
1130-1215 Mandarin
1215-1230 Cantonese
Thursday 1115-1130 English
1130-1215 Mandarin
1215-1230 Cantonese
1230-1245 Vietnamese
Friday 1115-1130 English
1130-1200 Mandarin
1200-1215 Mandarin/English Music
1215-1230 Cantonese
1230-1245 Vietnamese
Saturday 1115-1200 English
Friday 1115-1130 English
1130-1200 Mandarin
1200-1215 Mandarin/English Music
1215-1230 Cantonese
1230-1245 Vietnamese
Saturday 1115-1200 English
1200-1230 Cantonese
1230-1245 Vietnamese
1245-1300 English
China 2
15.610 Khz; 19 meter bank; 250 Kw; Nauen
Day Time Language
Monday 1200-1230 Uygur
Tuesday 1200-1230 Uygur
Wednesday 1200-1230 Uygur
Thursday 1200-1230 Uygur
Friday 1200-1230 Uygur
KOREA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
1245-1300 English
China 2
15.610 Khz; 19 meter bank; 250 Kw; Nauen
Day Time Language
Monday 1200-1230 Uygur
Tuesday 1200-1230 Uygur
Wednesday 1200-1230 Uygur
Thursday 1200-1230 Uygur
Friday 1200-1230 Uygur
KOREA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Korea 5.985 Khz; 49 meter band; 200 Kw; P. Kamchatsky
Day Time Language
Sunday 1015-1045 English
1045-1100 Japanese
1100-1130 Korean
1130-1145 Japanese
Saturday 1045-1130 Korean
Vietnam 7.255 khz; 41 meter band; 250 Kw; Wertachtal
Sunday 1015-1045 English
1045-1100 Japanese
1100-1130 Korean
1130-1145 Japanese
Saturday 1045-1130 Korean
Vietnam 7.255 khz; 41 meter band; 250 Kw; Wertachtal
Day Time Language
Friday 2245-2330 Vietnamese
Saturday 2300-2330 Vietnamese
Friday 2245-2330 Vietnamese
Saturday 2300-2330 Vietnamese
(Bible Voice Broadcasting)
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RCI's Program
The Link.
The Link is a two-hour daily radio show aimed at connecting new immigrants to Canada and Canada to the world. Plug in to our show for immigration news and stories. Find out what’s new and exciting on Canada’s cultural landscape. And get the pulse on what’s happening in Canada today. Whether you live inside or outside the country, just click on The Link and get connected.
Maple Leaf Mailbag
This pastiche of Canadiana focuses on you, the audience! Ian reads your letters, answers your questions, and shares your impressions of Canada with listeners from around the world. There's always lots fun, along with special guests, short-wave news, contests and giveaways. You can even join RCI's Maple Leaf Pen Pal Club. If you want to hear what the international community thinks about Canada this is the place to be.
If you're unable to tune in to our daily programme The Link, don't despair. We're repeating a selection of the Link's best stories on a special Saturday edition. It's "The Best of the Link" - let's just call it "Blink", Saturday's on RCI. (Radio Canada International) Readmore »»
The Link is a two-hour daily radio show aimed at connecting new immigrants to Canada and Canada to the world. Plug in to our show for immigration news and stories. Find out what’s new and exciting on Canada’s cultural landscape. And get the pulse on what’s happening in Canada today. Whether you live inside or outside the country, just click on The Link and get connected.
Maple Leaf Mailbag
This pastiche of Canadiana focuses on you, the audience! Ian reads your letters, answers your questions, and shares your impressions of Canada with listeners from around the world. There's always lots fun, along with special guests, short-wave news, contests and giveaways. You can even join RCI's Maple Leaf Pen Pal Club. If you want to hear what the international community thinks about Canada this is the place to be.
If you're unable to tune in to our daily programme The Link, don't despair. We're repeating a selection of the Link's best stories on a special Saturday edition. It's "The Best of the Link" - let's just call it "Blink", Saturday's on RCI. (Radio Canada International) Readmore »»
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